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Convert from Frustration and Inefficiency to Satisfaction and Effectiveness

Effective processes. Effective system usage. Satisfaction and Confidence.

About us

We are a Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider specializing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and related technologies with deep expertise in manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, construction project management, and logistics. We have been in the industry for 20+ years working with a wide array of companies and software vendors to create the most effective solutions.


Own your solution. 

Kaizen means “continuous improvement”. We empower you to be self-sufficient and self-improving, meaning you effectively manage your systems and solution and increase your productivity on an ongoing basis.


20+ years in the Microsoft Dynamics space,

much of it with supply chain and operations intensive companies.


We listen and understand.

Our business-objective centered approach means we listen to what you are communicating and focus our collective efforts on what’s important to you. No fluff.

Inventory out of control? 

Are you regularly running out of critical items? Do you have items that haven’t sold in forever but you just can’t identify them? Is your inventory too large because you are always over-purchasing to prevent running out?
Head on Computer

How profitable are we really? 

Do your financial reports and processes not accurately reflect how the business operates so you don’t have good visibility into your profitability?


Customer Deliveries Slipping?

Are you missing your delivery dates on sales orders or project deliveries because of lack of visibility into orders and inventory?

Help photo

Customer Deliveries Slipping?

Are you missing your delivery dates on sales orders or project deliveries because of lack of visibility into orders and inventory?

Don't fall behind.

Run your business at 100%


Inefficient data entry?

Is data entry so cumbersome that much of it is behind? Are you having to enter data multiple times into multiple systems?


Inefficient data entry?

Is data entry so cumbersome that much of it is behind? Are you having to enter data multiple times into multiple systems?

What's next?

Step 1: 

No Risk Assessment & High-level Proposal
We provide a no risk, two-day review and assessment of your business to help us understand your business
and provide you with a high-level estimate and scope.

Step 2: 

Discovery and Statement of Work
Next we work with you to do a deep dive discovery of your processes and needs, create a detailed statement of work, and update the estimate, if needed.

Step 3: 

Project Implementation
We work collaboratively from the statement of work and the resulting project plan to create, validate, and implement the functionality, processes, and procedures to accomplish your goals.

What's next?


Step 1: 

No Risk Assessment & High-level Proposal
We provide a no risk, two-day review and assessment of your business to help us understand your business
and provide you with a high-level estimate and scope.
Priarie dogs

Step 2: 

Discovery and Statement of Work
Next we work with you to do a deep dive discovery of your processes and needs, create a detailed statement of work, and update the estimate, if needed.
Charts on ipad

Step 3: 

Project Implementation
We work collaboratively from the statement of work and the resulting project plan to create, validate, and implement the functionality, processes, and procedures to accomplish your goals.
Man on Mountain

Step 4: 

System Go Live & Support
Once the system and processes have been validated and the team is ready, the business goes live on the new system. We support you through this period to ensure a successful transition.
